Expresie și conștientizare corporală

16 30 — 18 30
Casa Muzeelor
Expresie și conștientizare corporală Expresie și conștientizare corporală

Atelierul are ca tema principala dezvoltarea expresiei corporale cu ajutorul dansului contemporan si a improvizatiei. Prin exercitii de grup, fraze de miscare, parteneriat vom explora diferite calitati, abilitati si expresii corporale.


Antonia Itineanț

Antonia Itineanț

Antonia Itineanț is a choreographer and performer. She graduated from U.N.A.T.C Bucharest, Choreography – bachelor and Choreographic Art – master program. After finishing her master’s degree, she returned to Timisoara, where she actively collaborates with the Unfold Motion Association. Last year she initiated the cultural project “Confluențe”, which brought together contemporary dance and traditional dance and proposed a meeting between the minorities living in Timișoara.

Among the most important projects she has worked on are: “In Between” – the dissertation performance (selected in Bucharest Fringe 2022), “Dans Nomad”, “Ethnic Love Mix. Vol.12”, “Fragility” (performance chosen in “Home Fest”).

She wants to explore as much as possible in the sphere of choreographic language, and lately she is more and more interested in cultural management.