Hub | Epretext Gallery

arts & crafts
Palatul Culturii, Rotonda
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With the occasion of the RCW 2024 edition, Epretext Gallery will present a solo intervention by artist Ana Adam with the series of works “Care-i firul uitat care mă leagă pe mine de mine?/ What’s the forgotten thread that connects me to myself?”. The theme is a personal poem created from a feminine vision, about the very intimate relationship of consciousness as an introspective process. The artist Ana Adam appeals to poetic language for its suggestive and insightful power that acts on levels other than the mental. In her personal mythology, she communicates with herself, lost already thousands of years in a society that has ignored the feminine but is reclaiming its power.

The works consist of a variable number of cushions whose covers each have a text that is embroidered by the artist herself. Artist Ana Adam designed and sewed each pillowcase in such a way that it has a pleat, its role being one of surprise, calling for subtle and refined interaction with the texture and volume of the textile and its storage. It can house something concrete like a note with a love message or a reminder, thoughts brought out by the statement stitched on the pillow.

Ana Adam used natural canvases for biographical, ecological and aesthetic reasons: natural hemp, linen and cotton canvases in white or natural colors. She interrogates utility by expanding it and making it respond to the need for contemplation, sensuality, playfulness, wonder and connection. These objects are simultaneously drawings, poems, cushions, container or places for dreaming.

About Epretext Gallery 

Allowing the exploration of architecture and design field and encouraging collaborations between designers, artists, architects or craftsmen by organizing curated exhibitions and including their work in interior design projects. After studying at the FAT Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism in Timisoara  (ROMANIA), at the BAUHAUS Universitat Weimar (GERMANY), at PARSONS SSCE in New York and at NEWSCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN int San Diego (USA), Adela returned to Romania with a cultural responsibility to build a community of creative individuals. Founded in 2019 by arh. Adela Maria Marius, Epretext Gallery brings together Romanian artists and designers who, through their practice, rebuild industries and re-establish values.


Ana Adam

Ana Adam

Ana Adam was born and grew up in a village in Transylvania where the traditions of spinning, weaving, sewing and embroidery were still alive. One of her great-grandmothers, when she was very young, was still growing hemp, going through the whole cycle in one year from sowing to the finished product: sheet, shirt or bag. She was impressed by the blue of the flowers and the brightness of the flax seeds. She often witnessed the complex process of preparing the warp and then weaving the blankets or rugs. All these diverse and complex operations were done by self-taught women, gifted with talent and wisdom and their actions resembled magic to her. She also understood that, unfortunately, all their creation is done on the go along with exhausting housework and most of the time it is not appreciated. Also the materializing power of the objects they made was affected by limited material means and social context. Artist Ana Adam wants to integrate crafts into an artistic act that is assumed to have the status it deserves.