RCW 2024 — Concept


Not so long ago, we experienced a moment in time that shut down the world, when
what we knew fell into a billion little pieces. But like any other miracle, it was also
the moment when everything had the chance to get better. That’s where RCW stepped in as a leader of change.

For the past three years, RCW has been on a progressive journey, having
creativity as a catalyst. After a time of reading (in)between the lines and being a
guiding light in troubled waters, we came back to a new way of life. We
RE:STARTED everything we knew and realized there is a brand new way of living
that’s waiting to be grasped. Then we learned to live life with a sense of wonder
and to find more sustainable choices for better tomorrows.

It’s a fact of life that there’s a right time for every single thing on this earth. There is
a time to stand in wonder, and there is a time to act for tomorrow. And every RCW
pillar is a bold part of this act. There comes a time in Arts when you must admire,
and there comes a time when you must create new experiences. In Content
Creation, there’s a time to enjoy all things created and a time to challenge your
creativity. In Innovation, there’s a time to use all the possibilities of technology and
a time to push all the limits of discovery. In all the New Media, there’s a time to
absorb reality and a time to immerse yourself into unexpected universes. There is
a time in Design to live in the moment just as it is and a time to live responsibly. In
Entrepreneurship, there is a time to just do and a time to do better. There is a time
to just be and a time to be better.

That time has come and it’s a new spectacular opportunity for RCW to explore
different nuances of creativity. In a world where multiple alternative futures are
possible, it’s in our hands to bring about the best future there is. If anything has
brought us together over the years, it’s this power to form communities that move
with creativity towards the future. And that is the heart and key to the most
beautiful possibilities.

So this year, RCW is here to bring the future into existence through the creation of
hundreds of events, art exhibitions, concerts, talks and shows. For 12
extraordinary days, RCW 24 will be the generator of incredible effervescent
dynamics that have the power to transform time and place. RCW24 will be pure
energy. Energy that moves. Every mountain, every mind, every heart.

We truly believe that ENERGY is a concept strong enough to hold the mission we
boldly took on: the mission of moving our world towards a future we courageously
dream about. ENERGY belongs to the mind. It belongs to technology, it belongs to
every living thing on this earth. It belongs to all of us and it’s a force that will take
us where we dream to be.