RCW terms and conditions

CAUTION: Think about your own safety and that of others. Look not only on your phone, but also around you, at the traffic! Or have someone else monitor the environment.

RCW is provided by Romanian Creative Week organised by FEPIC, 34 Bucium Street, 700265, Iasi, Romania. By using or opening our app, you agree to these terms. So read the conditions carefully.

Using our app and services

You must comply with these Terms and all terms and conditions, and rules displayed and/or referenced in the App and/or the Services.

You may not misuse our services and the app. Do not interfere with our App and Services or attempt to access the Services and/or App through any method other than in accordance with the interface and instructions we provide, or in violation of these Terms. you may only use our services and app as permitted by law, including applicable export and re-export laws and regulations. We may suspend or discontinue the provision or availability of our app and/or services if you fail to comply with our terms or policies or if we investigate or discover suspected misconduct.

By using the app and/or our services, you do not acquire any (intellectual property) rights to our app and/or services. These terms do not grant you the right to use the brands or logos used in our app and/or services. You may not remove, obscure, or alter any legal information displayed in or with our app and/or services.

Our app and services display or make available certain content that is not owned by Romanian Creative Week. The entity making the content available is solely responsible for that content. We may review content to determine whether it is illegal or violates our policies, and we may remove or not display content that we reasonably determine is violating our policies or the law. However, this does not necessarily mean that we review content, so please do not assume that we do.

Do not use the app in a way that distracts you or prevents you from complying with applicable traffic or safety rules.

Your access to our app and/or services

Access to our services is regulated through the RCW app. This app is freely accessible and there are no costs involved. No specific user information is used.

Data we use

Our app can access the following items (“data”) on the device:

  • general (network-based) location and detailed (GPS) location
  • device motion sensors
  • read content from external storage device
  • full internet access
  • prevent device from goes to sleep
  • battery usage
  • camera
  • your ip address.

The services do not have direct access to the device; the app takes the initiative to retrieve data made available by the services.

We do not place cookies.


Romanian Creative Week only connects to the services to retrieve the latest state of the required data. The use of the camera only serves to show augmented reality content in relation to the real world. Camera images are not stored by the app or passed on to the services. No user or device data is recorded by the app or the services.

You give permission for the use and storage of the data on your device.

Your location is requested in the background in the app with the sole purpose of informing you about locations where content can be displayed. Location data is not passed on to the services

About software in our services

Where the app and/or a service requires or includes downloadable software, this software may be automatically updated on your device when a new version or feature becomes available. Romanian Creative Week hereby grants you a personal, worldwide, non-transferable, non-sublicensable and non-exclusive license to use the App. This license is granted solely to enable you to use and utilize the app provided by Romanian Creative Week, in a manner that complies with these terms and conditions. You may not copy, modify, distribute, sell or lease any part of our app or accompanying software, and you may not reverse engineer or attempt to extract the (source code of) such software or this app, unless such restrictions are prohibited by law or you have our written consent. 

This license can be terminated by Romanian Creative Week at any time by means of a notification to that effect, without owing you any (damage) compensation in this regard.

Certain software used in our app or services may be offered under an open source license or subject to the intellectual property rights of third parties. In that case, the open source license terms, respectively the license terms of the relevant third party(ies), will take precedence over these terms. If and insofar as the app or the services consist in whole or in part of or are based on software for which Romanian Creative Week is not the (sole) rightful claimant, Romanian Creative Week will never grant more rights in this regard than it has obtained from its third supplier(s).

Modify and terminate our app/services

We are constantly adapting and improving our app and services. We may add or remove features or capabilities from it. We can also suspend or even completely stop your right to use the app (and, where appropriate: the services).

You can stop using our services and/or the app at any time. Romanian Creative Week may also stop providing services to you or add or set new restrictions on our app and/or services at any time.

Romanian Creative Week may exercise the above powers at its own discretion and at any time, without owing you any (damage) compensation in this regard.

Warranties and Reservations

Other than as expressly set forth in these terms or additional terms, Romanian Creative Week and its suppliers or distributors make no specific promises regarding the services and the app. For example, we make no representations about the content in the Services, the specific functionality of the Services or the App, and its reliability, availability, or ability to meet your needs. We provide the App and (where applicable:) the Services as such („as is”).

Some jurisdictions impose conditions on certain warranties, such as the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. To the extent permitted by law, we exclude all implied warranties.

Romanian Creative Week does not guarantee that (push) messages, notifications and/or alerts sent via the services and/or the app will be received (in time) by the persons and/or recipients for whom these messages, notifications and/or alerts are intended. Romanian Creative Week mill, its affiliated companies and its suppliers will not be responsible and/or liable in this regard and for all related consequences.

Romanian Creative Week does not guarantee that the messages you receive or send via the services and/or the app are correct and/or complete and/or received on time. Romanian Creative Week mill, its suppliers and its affiliated companies are not responsible and not liable in this regard.

Liability for our app/services

To the extent permitted by law, any liability of Romanian Creative Week, its suppliers and the companies affiliated with Romanian Creative Week is completely excluded.This exclusion applies (also but not exclusively) to:

  • damage consisting of or related to (the consequences of) injury and/or death;
  • any other form of damage;
  • claims based on tort, claims based on breach of contract, and on claims based on any other (legal) ground.

About these conditions

We may amend these terms, for example, to reflect changes in the law or changes to our app or services. You should therefore review these terms and conditions regularly. We will post notices of modified (additional) terms in the applicable services and/or the app. Changes will not be applied retroactively and will not take effect until 14 days after they are posted. However, changes due to new features or changes made for legal reasons will take effect immediately. If you do not agree to the modified terms, you must immediately terminate your use of the services and the app.

These terms and conditions govern the relationship between Romanian Creative Week and you regarding the app and (where applicable) our services. No rights for third parties can be derived from the conditions.

If you do not comply with these terms and we do not take immediate action, this does not mean that we waive any rights we may have (such as the right to take action in the future). If a certain condition is found to be unenforceable, this will not affect the other conditions.

Romanian law applies to these terms and conditions and the use of the app and the services. Disputes must be submitted exclusively to the competent court in Bucharest in the first instance.